Tuesday, January 15, 2008


there will be a cd-r record available to people coming to the TVO show on 22nd february, one that we recorded together with Navigations last weekend.. The record will feature both our groups playing improv, athletic arms and navigations songs and one very special sabbath-influenced piece we composed together using an ouija-board.

i'll be the first to admit we've always had our share of problems and clashes of personalities in our group, but it seems to be time for us to take a break from the whole thing. and time to take a break from the endless routine of only ever seeing your friends with an instrument attached.. i'm not fully aware of how these things are meant to be done, or how you're supposed to interact in what is loosely known as "a band".

not that we didn't take this seriously, because we really did. and there really is nothing i personally detest more than these people that get together in a room and get high and play space-rock or fucking bongos for three hours.

but ultimately not knowing how to be in a band seems to have condemned us to just that. i keep hearing all these great suggestions on how to keep a group together and steer things toward productivity; like how we should all get together and listen to music and cook together rather than just play, and get inspired by what we hear to create something of our own.. how important it is to silently communicate with others.. how you should probably rehearse less than twice a week, every week apart from christmas, for the last three or four years.

but it seems all this is now a bit late. some of us have been playing these songs for six years, and for six years it could have been really cool. but it turns out it wasn't meant to be.

we will still play the remaining shows we have announced, but everything that happens after that is quite unclear. if you haven't seen us live before, please come to one of the following 3 shows, it may be your last chance.

22nd 2 2008, TVO, Turku with Navigations. four euros.
12th 3 2008, Om'pu, Helsinki. acoustic set.
15th 3 2008, Liberté, Helsinki with Mesmer, Navigations & Malousmal.


1000000 said...

sadness. madness.

aiotteko tosiaan aloittaa jo kahdeksalta ompussa?

horse and hounds said...

yhdeksältä tasan alkaa ompun keikka, toivon mukaan. setti kestää noin tunnin, ja sen jälkeen tiedossa levymusiikkia. keikasta sen verran vielä että soitetaan se todella hiljaa. suunnitelmana tässä vaiheessa on mikittää ainoastaan kitarat ja laulut, ja nostaa ne sitten sellaselle volumelle että kuuluvat mikittömien jousien, trumpetin, metallofonin, sahan jne. kanssa tasoissa.