Wednesday, November 22, 2006

das gelbe vom ei

to keep anyone interested up to date, there are some mp3's here to listen to. progress is still slow with the new stuff; we played force field pt.2 at kuudes linja and immediately regretted it. however, this seems to be one of the necessary steps to be taken when writing something new. for us at least.

what we usually do when we're attempting to write a pop song (in four easy steps):

1. spend months playing nonsense, sixteen parts or something, then start to cut down, reel in the good, and argue amongst ourselves about which part was good etc.

2. spend many more weeks working on what you now have left, disagree with people about silly things like "nine chords in that progression is too much!" "well three isn't enough!". which is just shit

3. suddenly notice that everyone is getting tired of the new stuff and would rather work on new new stuff, which is basically going back to step one, before reading step 4.

4. at some point the something we've spent since august tackling is starting to sound like a proper song that still needs vocals. from here on it gets easier, usually someone has an idea of what the song might end up sounding like by now and we tend to go with that.

so here are some of the fruits of our labour:
AA-121206-1 (for Sheffield)

we're going to do something at a studio in the first week of january and the plan is to record 'this just won't do' and a second song, to be released later on in the spring of 2007.

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