most of our instruments moved around from one place to another, microphones set up, and when we started with the drums, bass and guitar for "this just won't do", with a click ticking away in the background, we noticed how much easier all this is to do than before. perhaps it's that we've rehearsed, improved at our playing or too tired to feel anxious. this first day was great fun though. in addition to the drum set and one guitar amp (the other one had perfectly logically broken down about a week earlier) we're using an ampeg bass-stack which is very nice.. ronn moss is here with us too, but he may be going on a bit of a holiday now as the studio has a steinway available. also, ronn moss has been having some trouble with his legs, some screws are loose and he continuously looks like he's about to fall over. in addition to the above, we've taken in various effects pedals, three keyboards, a 'cello bow and musical saw, a small accordion, two baby monitors, three metallophones and a packet of coffee.
this is all for now, more soon later!
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