saturday was started with violins, once we managed to negotiate our way to the right side of tuusula from helsinki. everyone agreed that these violin-takes were the best we could have possibly hoped for, even in force field pt. 3 in which, true to our form, all the strings were improvised. next was roy and a nylon-string classical guitar take (with nothing classical about it); followed rapidly by the moment most of us started drinking, and thus, the possibly ill-advised intro for the record ("for sheffield") got recorded: violins, acoustic bass and electric guitar in the livingroom, a microphone in the hallway and another in the bedroom. the end result still sounded good the next day, so we'll probably keep it.
we left for tuukka's at around 2am in max's car, and stayed up 'til the morning. as we sat in the car, pulling out of the drive going back to ilai's flat, we suddenly realised we'd left samu behind, which turned out to be a bit of a strange situation at the door, explaining that "we sort of left our guitarist behind".
once we got back to the tenement, emily and ilai started by recording a ten-second portasound solo while max drove to korso station to pick up iina & jere. apparently pregnancy tests were on special offer at the local kiosk. jere played two loud guitar distortion tracks through something called the 'pepper box' (pictured above), and went home soon after. iina played some trumpet, essi played a bit more violin, emily sang all her vocals and played some metallophone with iina, and to wrap up the evening at around nine, roy played his last guitar-parts.
we still need to record roy's vocal parts, samu's guitars, toy piano, telephone conversation, vl-tone keyboard, mandolin, a saxophone solo and some portasound drumsounds. and that should be about it.
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